Friday, 1 November 2013

Law Zero - Tanya Tynjälä


        Receiving the Nobel Prize only made his schizophrenia worse.
That same evening, he confessed to Ajeeb (the only one capable of listening  to him without any prejudice) that life was causing him so much pain. He broke into sobs like a young boy. Ajeeb did not embrace him, since he thought that his metal body would only bring more chill to the already frightened Genius.
The autopsy read, “Death by overdose of bio-modified benzodiazepine.” Ajeeb took care of administering it to him every night. It was the only substance that could relieve the chronic insomnia that rattled the Genius.
When the authorities interrogated him, Ajeeb stared at them blankly. He then responded with a calm and monotonous voice that so characterized him:
—They shoot the horses, don’t they?

Original title: Ley Cero
Translation: Marlon James Sales
Versión en Castellano

Tanya Tynjälä

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